Asre Engineering Flow control devices manufacturer in Mumbai, India Thane, is established in 1999. We located near to Navi Mumbai, Raigad and Konkan Region. Since last two decades we are serving local, national and international markets in Flow control devices and Flow measurement devices industry. These devices are scientific devices. Which are Flow measuring Devices or Flow measurement devices and Flow control devices or Process Control Devices.
These Scientific devices or Control devices are mainly named as Electromagnetic flow meter, Turbine flow meter, Float and Board Level Indicator, Tubular Level Gauge or Tubular Level indicator, Side mounted Magnetic level Switch, Full View Sight Glass, and Double Window Type Sight Glass. We manufacture this products under rigid quality control and inspection to ensure best quality and long life.
These Flow control devices manufactured by Asre Engineering are designed specially by keeping in mind their application, location in a pipeline and maintenance requirements. Product offered by Asre Engineering are manufactured in adherence to the industry set norms and regulations. We are offering our products at industry leading prices and hence are these products highly appreciated among our
customers. Our Flow control devices or Flow measuring Devices are highly demanded across various industrial applications due to their sturdy construction, flawless finish, steady performance, minimum maintenance, and longer operational life. This devices are used in various applications like Sewage Water Treatment, Water Distribution, Effluent Measurement, Slurry & other Viscous Liquid Measurements in various public & private sectors.
Flow control devices manufactured by us are of rugged construction and are designed to offer maximum reliability for long life. These Flow measuring Devices or Flow measurement devices and Flow control devices or Process Control Devices offered by us are cost-effective and reliable. Some products are made in carbon steel and some of them are made in Carbon Steel as well as in SS 304, SS 304L, SS 316 and SS 316L different sizes and different capacity options.
Various type of Process Control Devices manufactured by us are working in several industries for various Control Devices In critical applications. With the help of our expert team and with our vast experience in the above applications we are able to deliver better as per our customer requirements. We firmly believe that Asre Engineering Process Control Devices must bring credibility and benefits to customers. These products are widely used in Automobile Industries, Boiler, Chemical Industries, Effluent Treatment, Food & Beverages, Industrial Utility Management, Sewage Treatment, Sugar Industries & Distilleries, Water Supply Schemes, etc.
Asre Engineering Flow control devices manufacturers in Mumbai, India are manufacturing Flow Meters are well known for their quality, design and cost-effectiveness. We are manufacturing two types of flow meters, Electromagnetic flow meter and Turbine flow meter. Electromagnetic Flow meter measures flow of liquid and it works on the basis of Faraday law of Electromagnetic induction. Electromagnetic flow meter is true volume measuring meter or Flow measuring Device or Flow measurement device. It can measure various types of fluid which can be found across various industrial processes. Electromagnetic flow meter are used in Sewage treatment plant, Water supply schemes, Effluent treatment plants, Pulp and paper, distillery, Sugar industry, Steel industry, Chemical, food, pharmaceutical and Drug industry.
Turbine flow meter is designed to measure flow of water, oil, diesel or suitable liquid for SS media. It is also a Flow measuring Device or Flow measurement device which measures volume of a media passing through its pipe. These turbine meters are very reliable devices. They are also accurate employing the latest technology. To assure quality performance they undergo stringent tests.
Asre Engineering manufactures two types of Sight Glass. Full View Sight Glass and Double Window Type Sight Glass. Full View Sight Glass is an observing device. Which is used for monitoring flow in pipelines. To observe the flow of pipeline it is inserted in a running pipeline. This device is suitable for various rugged industrial applications. It is used in variety of range of applications. The drip tubes of Full View Sight Glass are often incorporated in the flow steam so that very low flow of liquid can also be seen. And this way it enhance the visibility of the flow. Full view sight Glass is bi-directional type. It is installed vertically or horizontally in the middle of any kind of non-transparent pipeline. It is very easy to install. This sight glass is easy and very convenient to observe the flow from any direction. Sight Flow Indicators provides a quick, and economical as well as reliable way to verify the flow of liquids through industrial process pipelines.
Double Window Type Sight Glass is also an observing device. Which is used for monitoring flow in pipelines. This Sight flow indicator is installed directly in the process line and allow operators to qualitatively observe direction, flow rate, clarity and color. Through a glass viewing lens readings can be viewed. It contains two Borosilicate toughened glasses mounted opposite to each other. The glasses of Double Window Type Sight Glass can be replace very easily without dismantling the whole Sight Glass assembly from process line. It is an extra advantage of Double Window Type Sight Glass. In application of Higher Pressure & Temperature Double window type Sight Glass gives better performance.
Asre Engineering manufactures different types of level indicators. These devices are also an observing devices. We manufacture Float and Board Level Indicator and Tubular level indicator. Both are Liquid Level Indicators. This is an economical, easy to install measurement device which is utilizing a target and gauge board m indicate tank level. These Level Indicators help us to control and minimize fouling and deterioration. This Float Board Level Indicator can be used to overcome the overflow of water from the tankers also. This instrument is most widely used in all nonhazardous and non-pressurized tanks for storing of Lube Oil, Vegetable Oils, Water, Fire Water, Oil, LSHS, Diesel, Molasses, Silicates, Glucose. Float Board Level Indicator also helps in controlling as well as minimizing fouling and deterioration. This indicator can be used to overcome the overflow of water from the tankers too.
Tubular Level Gauge is also named as Tubular Level indicator are designed for visual liquid level observation. In process industry liquid observation is common requirement. Tubular level indicator is solution for that. Tubular Level Gauge is the simplest and reliable form of level indication in atmospheric or pressurized tank applications. Tubular Level Gauges can be used to visualize the level in low or medium pressure application. We offers economical and reliable level gauges for direct reading of level in tanks / vessels. Tubular Level Gauges are mounted parallel along the tank or vessel. When liquid level in tank or vessel rises level in tube rises. When liquid level in tank or vessel decreases level in tube decreases. The level of liquid inside the tank or vessel and level of liquid inside the glass tube are same. Scale mounted on C Frame of Tubular Level Gauge indicates liquid level.
Asre Engineering manufacture Side mounted Magnetic level Switch. This device is observing Device. It is used to observe liquid level. It is float operated device and it is working on magnetic repulsion principle. With change in level Float mounted at one end of rigid rod moves while same time capsule at other end of rod moves accordingly with in fixed limit Switch contact across the face change accordingly. The float lifts up due to bouncy when tank fills up. Same time magnetic nature other end of switch goes down and triggers the switch assembly and the contact get closed.
This contact can be used to operate an alarm or any other audio/visual load. 3-way plug-in connector switch is provided. Terminals 1 & 2 are normally open and 2 & 3 are normally closed. When the level falls. Changeover of contacts occurs when level rises/falls with 15 mm liquid level differential. . It is robust in construction and simple in design. This Side mounted Magnetic level Switch can be used for automatic level control of liquids in pressurized or open tanks, Vessels, containers, hot water service, sterilizing equipment and a variety of process control fluid tanks or for initiating high or low audio-visual signals.
We are manufacturing Tanker valves. They are basically Emergency Shut Valves. These valves are designed to incorporate maximum safety, high flow, low-pressure drop, easy maintenance and offer a long service life. Tanker Valve or Master valve is installed on the bottom of the tanker. The top part of Tanker Valve or Emergency shut valve is tightly sealed inside the tanker. External shear groove of Fleet Master Valve or Emergency shut valve limits product spillage when the tanker is crashed down.
Under the situation when there is no affectation on the sealing it will automatically cut off itself via this groove. Emergency shut valve or Tanker valve efficiently protect the over rolled tanker from leakage to ensure the safety when transportation. This valve is simple in design and that makes it ideal for oil companies and transporters of petroleum products. Asre Engineering make Emergency Shut Valves which are also known as Fleet Master Valve or Tanker Valve is suitable for water, diesel, gasoline and kerosene and other light fuel, etc.
Asre Engineering Process Equipment manufacturers in India is division of Asre Engineering which is founded in 1999. Started as industrial strainers manufacturers and then added Process Equipment to their product line. From last two decades stands as filtration and process equipment solution. Process Equipment as well as industrial strainers from Asre Engineering has …..
Our organization Asre Engineering aims to realize and work towards the vision of Indian and Global Flow control Devices industry. And becoming preferred suppliers of Flow control Devices to Indian and global industry.We are providing optimum customer service and satisfaction with the help of our employees and associates by adopting an innovative …..
By providing world-class quality a wide range of Process Equipment products as well as service and maintaining the highest level of satisfaction to customers and become a frontrunner of Process Equipment business. Continue to innovate and increase our investment in Research & Development to give good quality products to our customers as well as secure our future. We ….